Iron Man 2 - Comic Series - Titanium Man

Item #:SKU123353TD
Availability: Not Available
Our Price: $18.95

Availability: Not Available
Item Description
Manufacturer:Hasbro Toys
Description Of Item: It wasnt long into his adventuring career before Tony Stark realized that smashing through walls at supersonic speeds isn?t always the best solution to a problem. He designed this stealth suit to allow him to sneak into enemy strongholds unobserved. Of course, there also plenty of firepower ? just in case!
Description Of Item: It wasnt long into his adventuring career before Tony Stark realized that smashing through walls at supersonic speeds isn?t always the best solution to a problem. He designed this stealth suit to allow him to sneak into enemy strongholds unobserved. Of course, there also plenty of firepower ? just in case!
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