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PLEASE NOTE: Make sure that your spam blocker or spam mail filter enables @toydorks.com emails to go through. Just in case please check your spam mail filters or box. *- Required Field TOP QUESTION 1: Hi Do you make (enter figure name) ANSWER: We are a retailer (a shop) - we dont make the figure. Please do not ask us if we can make a certain figure as we dont make them. TOP QUESTION 2: Hi Do you ship to (enter country name) ANSWER: Please ship at our site and then enter your shipping information it will not only calculate the cost but will tell you from the list of countries that we do ship to. TOP QUESTION 3: Best way for Order Status ANSWER: when you place your order - you will receive an email from us - in that email there is an email address for your customer service rept. You can email them personally. They should respond within 72hrs. IF THE ABOVE TOP ANSWERS DOES NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION - PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELLOW Our Shipping Facilities will be closed from December 22nd 2014 - January 6th 2015. All orders received during that time will be delayed. Please be advised |