Futurama - Chef Bender
Item #:SKU122604TD
BEFORE: $23.90
Availability: Not Available
BEFORE: $23.90
Our Price: $11.95
Availability: Not Available
Item Description
Description Of Item: Bender serves as a member of Hubert J. Farnsworth's delivery crew, being the chef for the often long trips through space, to deliver goods for Planet Express. He is one of Fry's closest friends, though the relationship is often one sided. Bender is a heavy drinker, smoker, and gambler. He has a mostly voluntary morality and constantly steals, ranging from the petty theft of wallets to much higher crimes like kidnapping Jay Leno's head due to their long feud and stealing Fry's blood.
Description Of Item: Bender serves as a member of Hubert J. Farnsworth's delivery crew, being the chef for the often long trips through space, to deliver goods for Planet Express. He is one of Fry's closest friends, though the relationship is often one sided. Bender is a heavy drinker, smoker, and gambler. He has a mostly voluntary morality and constantly steals, ranging from the petty theft of wallets to much higher crimes like kidnapping Jay Leno's head due to their long feud and stealing Fry's blood.
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