Mcfarlane Halo 3 - Brute Stalker
Item #:SKU117858TD
Availability: Usually ships in 4-7 days
Our Price: $44.95
Availability: Usually ships in 4-7 days
Item Description
Manufacturer:Mcfarlane Toys
Description Of Item: Be mindful of your surroundings, for one never knows when one is being hunted. Invisible to all but the keenest of eyes, Brute Stalkers use light-bending technology known as active camouflage to approach their prey undetected, before unleashing destruction upon their unsuspecting enemies.
Description Of Item: Be mindful of your surroundings, for one never knows when one is being hunted. Invisible to all but the keenest of eyes, Brute Stalkers use light-bending technology known as active camouflage to approach their prey undetected, before unleashing destruction upon their unsuspecting enemies.
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