Battle for Tantive IV: Stormtrooper Boarding Party
Item #:SKU116179TD
Availability: Not Available
Our Price: $17.95
Availability: Not Available
Item Description
Manufacturer:Hasbro Toys
Description Of Item: Stormtroopers from the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator blast their way onto the Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV. The Imperial troopers meet fierce resistance from the Rebels who are determined to stop them from taking the ship. As the Empire?s elite shock troops, the stormtroopers are highly trained and heavily armed, and soon capture or eliminate the Rebel forces, clearing the way for Darth Vader to come aboard.
Description Of Item: Stormtroopers from the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator blast their way onto the Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV. The Imperial troopers meet fierce resistance from the Rebels who are determined to stop them from taking the ship. As the Empire?s elite shock troops, the stormtroopers are highly trained and heavily armed, and soon capture or eliminate the Rebel forces, clearing the way for Darth Vader to come aboard.
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