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TRU Exclusive - Soundwave Classic

TRU Exclusive - Soundwave Classic
Item #:SKU115995TD

Our Price: $129.95

Availability: Usually ships in 4-7 days
Item Description
Manufacturer:Hasbro Toys
Description Of Item: Overtly servile, emotionless, Soundwave is logic-driven. He monitors and records everything, even to the extent that he interprets brain waves, which makes him unpopular among his Decepticon cohorts. Since Soundwave remains in spy mode 100% of the time, his only real friends are his cassette warriors. Ravage is one of the more memorable cassette warriors, a sleek and cunning predator armed with hip-mounted rockets. Laserbeak marks malignant efficiency, his original profile citing his overall cowardly, scavenging method of reconnaissance.
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