Titanium Ultra: Scourge

Item #:SKU115302TD
Availability: Usually ships in 4-7 days
Our Price: $86.95

Availability: Usually ships in 4-7 days
Item Description
Manufacturer:Hasbro Toys
Description Of Item: Scourge had a more sinister look than many of his Decepticon cohorts, which may have something to do with the wings and the mildly satanic beard. In vehicle mode he was a short of high-speed hovercraft mounted with a large miner-style searchlight. In vehicle mode, the outer casing of the hovercraft divided and formed into batlike wings. In the cartoon, the wings were much more pronounced, and Scourge was equipped with red-tipped talons. Additionally, Scourge commanded a small squadron of Scourge clones called the Sweeps.
Description Of Item: Scourge had a more sinister look than many of his Decepticon cohorts, which may have something to do with the wings and the mildly satanic beard. In vehicle mode he was a short of high-speed hovercraft mounted with a large miner-style searchlight. In vehicle mode, the outer casing of the hovercraft divided and formed into batlike wings. In the cartoon, the wings were much more pronounced, and Scourge was equipped with red-tipped talons. Additionally, Scourge commanded a small squadron of Scourge clones called the Sweeps.
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