Item #:SKU114052TD
Availability: Not Available
Our Price: $59.95
Availability: Not Available
Item Description
Manufacturer:Neca Toys
Description Of Item: Webstor wasn?t a regular, but his appearances were resonant. He joined Skeletor?s Council of Evil for the two episodes that the council existed. This redesign managed to capture the classic Webstor look perfectly while adding more overt arachnoid features, chitin barbs, teeth more similar to mandibles and his additional appendages. Eventually Webster infiltrated the Andreenids? layer and gorged himself on Ambrosia. He was able to benefit from the Ambrosia without the toxic effect. He became gigantic, gained the ability to spin monstrous webs, and also apparently rendered himself asexual in order to lay clusters of eggs filled with Ambrosia-mutated spiders.
Description Of Item: Webstor wasn?t a regular, but his appearances were resonant. He joined Skeletor?s Council of Evil for the two episodes that the council existed. This redesign managed to capture the classic Webstor look perfectly while adding more overt arachnoid features, chitin barbs, teeth more similar to mandibles and his additional appendages. Eventually Webster infiltrated the Andreenids? layer and gorged himself on Ambrosia. He was able to benefit from the Ambrosia without the toxic effect. He became gigantic, gained the ability to spin monstrous webs, and also apparently rendered himself asexual in order to lay clusters of eggs filled with Ambrosia-mutated spiders.
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