New Beyblades!
In this version, the parts are called the "Bolt Face", "Energy Ring", "Fusion Wheel", "Spin Track", and "Performance Tip". Additionally, the Beyblades themselves have an astrology Zodiac theme. While some present standard Astrological signs, such as Pisces, Escolpio, Leone, Sagittario, Aries, Wolf, L Drago (dragon) and Pegasis. The blades are of four types the only difference is that survival/endurance is now called stamina - DEFENCE,ATTACK,STAMINA and BALANCE which is a mix of all of them. DEFENCE is a counter to ATTACK,STAMINA is a counter to DEFENSE, and ATTACK is a counter to STAMINA, while BALANCE is not so much its own type, but a mix of all the others, and can be defeated by a beyblade of any type that foucuses on one area.